Morning came and I was eager to rip open the lock and fix it...turns out it was a broken spring. With a little finesse, the lock was fixed and we're safe again.
Today was 'front door' day. We decided to install our front door. It has relatively easy especially with Darlene's help holding this, getting that, fixing lunch, etc. It is so nice to have a help-mate after all these months.
The most exciting part of the day besides 'doors' happened during our lunch break. We were on the porch and almost finished when I noticed a tan color with a white tail raised behind the workshop (deer). It was moving fast as it headed to the workshop. We looked to the right of the workshop expecting to see the deer continue on its way when much to our surprise...a big black bear lumbered up the mountain. We think it was a boar (male) because it was large and without cubs in tow.
We watched it as it headed up behind the camper (thank goodness the lock was fixed!!!). KD, the wonder dog, was snoozing on the porch and completely missed the whole event.
Needless to say, we both were excited to see a bear on the property. One thing for sure, Darlene will go out to the camper first after dark ;^)
More coming,
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