Building our dream home in the NC mountains

It's almost mid August 2011 and the love of my life and I are getting ready to begin a year long adventure building our dream cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. We're actually in Oregon, as we speak (8/11/11) wrapping up a glorious 10 day vacation with my wife's sister and brother-in-law at their cabin in the mountains.

Why the title "The Maple Tree Adventure"? Our property is on Maple Tree Lane at an elevation of 4200'...sounds like an adventure to us.

We've talked about this for a long time and now that it's a reality, we are excited to start the process. The process should take about 10 months. The build should be completed by next fall 2012.

Our goal is to offer up a blog entry daily. Some posts might include a photo, others may not. The adventure takes my wife and me in different directions for awhile. She teaches school and will finish out her career in June 2012 in Raleigh. I, on the other hand, will head to the mountains to get the cabin rolling in the next week or so (8/16/11).

Keep us in your prayers, leave your comments and plan to visit us next spring 2013.

Kent & Darlene
210 Maple Tree Lane
West Jefferson, NC 28694

(828) 406-4823

Friday, October 28, 2011

In spite of the weather

Big plans for today. Scratch that! We were set to pour the top cap and columns of the foundations, set anchor bolts and get ready for setting the sill plate tomorrow but Mother Nature has other plans. We'll be back on schedule and better weather Monday.

The best laid plans of mice and men...oh well! As you can see, the weather is nasty. Rainy and cold but due to clear later this weekend.

The plumber was there yesterday and roughed in the drain lines, ran the water supply to the mechanical room and connected the septic tank to the house. Nothing like an unconnected septic line!

The plumbing rough-in at this stage is done before the gravel bed and concrete slab for the garage is poured. The slab will be poured next week also.

The floor trusses are being delivered Tuesday and will be installed pretty quick. Subfloor will go down after the trusses. We'll be in good shape for delivery on November 9th of the SIPS. You'll notice a marked difference in the look of the house and my attitude once the SIPS (walls) are installed. My favorite part is when we get to 'wood'. Concrete doesn't do much for me.

Sorry for missing a few days of posts but I'm starting to go a bit 'wacky'. I told someone recently that living in my small camper is very much like living on death row. Very small quarters and no visitors. Don't get me wrong, I'm's just that I'll be happier when I get paroled and head to the luxury of a friends cabin next Tuesday.

Almost forgot...our address is   210 Maple Tree Lane,    West Jefferson, NC 28694. The mailman told me he would deliver anything folks mailed to me, like, care packages, donations, letters, etc.

More coming,

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