Building our dream home in the NC mountains

It's almost mid August 2011 and the love of my life and I are getting ready to begin a year long adventure building our dream cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. We're actually in Oregon, as we speak (8/11/11) wrapping up a glorious 10 day vacation with my wife's sister and brother-in-law at their cabin in the mountains.

Why the title "The Maple Tree Adventure"? Our property is on Maple Tree Lane at an elevation of 4200'...sounds like an adventure to us.

We've talked about this for a long time and now that it's a reality, we are excited to start the process. The process should take about 10 months. The build should be completed by next fall 2012.

Our goal is to offer up a blog entry daily. Some posts might include a photo, others may not. The adventure takes my wife and me in different directions for awhile. She teaches school and will finish out her career in June 2012 in Raleigh. I, on the other hand, will head to the mountains to get the cabin rolling in the next week or so (8/16/11).

Keep us in your prayers, leave your comments and plan to visit us next spring 2013.

Kent & Darlene
210 Maple Tree Lane
West Jefferson, NC 28694

(828) 406-4823

Friday, October 7, 2011

Look Out Noah, here it comes

Water, we hit water!!!!

They started drilling and hit water at 76', then again at 95', then again at 150'. They stopped drilling at 204'. The photo shows the water coming out the 'blow hole'...pretty romantic huh? Notice the clay color. They were concerned at that at first but as we stood there talking for 10 minutes or so, it started to get much clearer. They suspect it's sediment and dirt from all the drilling.

They did a calculation and arrived at between 35 and 60 gallons a minute. Folks get excited at 8 gpm. Milton, my 'star' driller said the best he ever hit was 25 gpm.

They packed up and headed home with rig in hand. They'll be back Monday to drop a pump down the hole to see if over the weekend, as they suspect, things will settle down and we should get good clear water.

My buddy, Jason, from Environmental Services was on hand to witness the 'grouting of the well'. The county has to verify that it has been done properly.

The guys are busy doing the final grading, setting the house pad and driveway, etc. So there's been lots of activity today.

My sweetheart is coming up to spend the weekend so I'm off to spruce up before she arrives.

More coming,

1 comment:

  1. That is incredible! After a dry drill to 600', you hit it so quickly! Amazing!
