Building our dream home in the NC mountains

It's almost mid August 2011 and the love of my life and I are getting ready to begin a year long adventure building our dream cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. We're actually in Oregon, as we speak (8/11/11) wrapping up a glorious 10 day vacation with my wife's sister and brother-in-law at their cabin in the mountains.

Why the title "The Maple Tree Adventure"? Our property is on Maple Tree Lane at an elevation of 4200'...sounds like an adventure to us.

We've talked about this for a long time and now that it's a reality, we are excited to start the process. The process should take about 10 months. The build should be completed by next fall 2012.

Our goal is to offer up a blog entry daily. Some posts might include a photo, others may not. The adventure takes my wife and me in different directions for awhile. She teaches school and will finish out her career in June 2012 in Raleigh. I, on the other hand, will head to the mountains to get the cabin rolling in the next week or so (8/16/11).

Keep us in your prayers, leave your comments and plan to visit us next spring 2013.

Kent & Darlene
210 Maple Tree Lane
West Jefferson, NC 28694

(828) 406-4823

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dirty clothes and squirrelly phones

Me with Big Mama, the commercial dryer!
Tuesdays are a good day to do the wash and that's exactly what I did this morning. Took about an hour but I was able to multi-task while Tide did its job. There are only a few laundramats around so I picked the nicest one. $4.75 in quarters made me a new man!

One of my calls, while waiting for the dryer to buzz, was to the Environmental Services office to see how our permit was coming. Janie told me Jason will get with me next week for the on-site inspection. Could happen sooner but I suspect it will be next week.

I've been having problems with my phone lately. I have a telephone number with a 919 area code but I wanted to have a 336 area code to make it easier for folks to call me locally. I got a Google Voice number with a 336 area code and thought all was good until folks told me they had to dial the whole number area code and all to get me and sometimes that wouldn't work. At this point my pressure is starting to rise.

I decided to have the 336 number ported to my phone to make it easier for folks to find me. The port took place yesterday, leaving me without a phone from about 5pm until this morning. After a call to Verizon yesterday, they told me I had to go in a Verizon tower range to perform the final keystrokes that would make all good.

Katy and I got up early this morning and headed to Todd, where Verizon told me a tower was nearby. It worked. Presto, my phone was now working and ka-ding, ka-ding, ka-ding, six times (the noise my phone makes when I have a voicemail). They were from my sweetheart. In a panic, she couldn't get me and thought I'd driven off a mountain ravine and was nowhere to be found. Sometime when I have more time I'll tell you why I didn't make contact last night...too long a story for now.

I'm at the library, working on the cabin plans and listing those items and quantities of materials that we'll be needing and when.

Busy days, more coming.


p.s. My sweet sister-in-law sent a care package of organic peanut butter and jam. I love that girl and I hate -in-law, she's my sister period and I love her!

p.p.s. Care packages are always welcome (hint)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gum Ridge and a Flying Pig

Katy and I started the day out going to visit an old friend, Junior, who is a retired native that never seems to be home. I know because I tried at least 6 times to catch him there. This morning was the charm. He and I hadn't seen each other in about a year but he remembered me and we had a good time catching up. He's actually one of my go to guys for services, etc that I need in the county. He knows everybody.

I received a call from Ken at Gum Ridge Mill letting me know that he was there and would be glad to see me. I headed his way. He sells old reclaimed lumber and may be a source for some of what we need for the cabin. I gave him a list of needs and he's going to get back to me soon with what he can do for us.

Flying Pig...I did say Flying Pig. Well, Ken also has a business called Flying Pig Furniture. Very nice pieces of furniture crafted from reclaimed lumber. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera but will post with a photo tomorrow.

I'm off to a meeting of the Ashe County Camera Club. A group of talented photographers who welcome even the likes of me.

More coming,

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A peek at our cabin

What you're looking at is a cabin near Boone that has many of the features that our cabin will have as well. We like the porch posts of natural logs with bark remaining, the pitches of the roof elements and the use of different siding materials.

Our cabin will have the wrap around porch covered with metal roofing while the main roof area will have asphalt shingles.

This cabin sits on a much more difficult lot to build on than our property. We'll have a garage foundation that will be approximately 10' high while the pictured cabin has a 20-25' high foundation.

We'll be incorporating poplar siding in several areas. Poplar siding is stripped poplar bark, flattened and cut into manageable pieces ready for installation. Poplar siding will last and last. It holds up well to the weather and insect attack.

I've got another busy week ahead. I'm going to visit several lumber mills and logging companies to find posts and large beams for the build. I'll be getting with one of our window suppliers to discuss quality, wind effect, etc. I'll report back, as this is the third suplier I've gotten quotes from. Windows are an expensive part of the cabin and we want to make sure we get the biggest bang for our buck.

I'll take lots of photos at the lumber mills and post again soon.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

From sheep shearing to organic meat

Great day in the mountains. Overcast but pleasant. Today is my catch-up day. You know, the day where all the loose ends fall.

I stopped by the farmer's market and to buy some organic meat from my meat lady and while there I was surprised to see a demonstration on sheep shearing. Actually, I given lots of thought to raising sheep in my spare this pace, that would be in the year 2050.

The demonstration was really neat. A local sheep farmer brought some of his, shall we say, fatter sheep, to demonstrate how sheep shearing is done. Once he got that bad boy, I mean girl, on her haunches (butt... for you city folk) she became this docile animal open to whatever the farmer had in mind. He told us that once they are 'seated' they give up and the shearing begins. There may b e a human lesson in here somewhere...I'll report back!

I have some great shots of it, but forgot to bring my cable to transfer from the camera to the computer (I'm at the library making this post). I'll add the photo the next time I'm in town with the cable.

I'm heading to Boone to check out the grocery store Earth Fare. Gotta restock my organics for the week. I'll drop by Habitat's warehouse while in Boone to see what they might have that will help with our cabin.

Bare with me on these posts. I'm camping in a remote area of Ashe County and internet reception is sketchy.

More coming,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Getting back to basics

I spent another wonderful day on the mountain. Got up about 5am with thoughts that I wasn't happy with the placement of the cabin on the property. I knew that we had the space to move the cabin up the hill more which would in turn create an even better view to the south.

Once I determined what the elevation should be (I have a nearby cabin to use as a reference) it was easy to move a few stakes. The importance of the position is two-fold. One reason being we have to have as close a location for the county to access it's position in relation to the septic system and two, our view will dramatically improve with the new location.

I ran the move by the experts and they all agreed that it was  a good move and wouldn't do anything but make it better.

I did run across a real deal in gasoline. I love the mountains. Unfortunately, the station that had the low gas prices, after close examination, appeared to be closed...for good! The story of my life.

All in all, today was a back to basics kind of day. Spending time with the land and then trying to buy gas at 2009 prices.

I couldn't get internet at the campground yesterday so there was no post. It happens!

More coming.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tires, windows and the birth of a septic system

I had to go to Wilkesboro to buy a set of new tires for the truck. It was a good chance to set the gps to 'shortest distance' instead of 'fastest way'. Actually, because I'm without Darlene, I was out of the box in setting it to 'shortest distance'. That method of navigation takes you there but in as straight a line as possible. Let me tell you, I'm seeing the countryside and every mile is really neat. Old barns, farms, horses, you name it I've see it.

The tires came from a new friend John's tire business. He's a partner with another friend and I wanted to contribute to the local economy. I picked a set that will help in the snow and mud but is still quiet on the road. So far, the quiet on the road works. I'll let you know about the snow and mud.

I left John's about noon and headed down main street and spotted a diner called 'The 50's'. People were coming and going so I decided to be a 'coming'. Ordered up a roast beef sandwich to go. The service was exceptional and I even got to talk to the owner, who happens to be a nephew of race care legend Jimmy Johnson. I took the sandwich across the street to a little park and with my constant companion Katy, I enjoyed a great lunch (I deserved it, a man can't live on Weight Watcher's frozen dinners but so long).

When lunch was finished we headed to Staples to get some more copies of the plan printed. I've been giving them out like candy and needed to resupply. If you're wondering, Katy enjoys lounging in the truck with the AC on and the doors locked while I do business. What a life...

Our next stop was a Jeld Wen supplier in Wilkesboro who sells windows, doors, etc. Walter, another very friendly guy, showed me different style windows and had his assistant make a copy of the window schedule on our plan. He promised to deliver, by email, a quote within 2 days. So far everyone has done exactly what they promised and on time.

Katy and I had two more stops. One at the Appalachian Health Department where we apply for all the necessary permits for septic and well. Janie, the gal at the front desk, is so helpful and again, she loves my jokes. Jason, the guy that will make the on site inspection told me that he will be out next week. He promised to call me a day ahead so I could meet him there and offer up any assistance necessary. I get the feeling that our permits are going to be pushed through. Remember, they liked my jokes...

Our last stop before coming back to the campground was at Food Lion. Like a zombie, I headed for the frozen dinner section to peruse the Weight Watcher's selections. Don't misunderstand, I don't need to loose a great deal of weight. I'm just trying to trim up a bit for the upcoming visit from my girlfriend from Raleigh. She likes me buff!

I owe you all an explanation about how I'm doing this blog daily and how I take the photos attached. First of all, the internet coverage at the campground isn't the best. I have 3 bars but one always flickers. I have an iPhone that allows me to use it like a wifi. I hang the iPhone up in a plastic grocery bag from the lantern stand (to get height), it sends out the signa (not really a full signal but just a signa). I then park mayself in a confortable folding chair (wine in hand) at the picnic table and write a new post. I tried it later in the evening but think the planet Uranus messes up the transmission.

The photos are taken by my small, but compact Olympus. I attach it to the end of my hiking stick and set it to 'self timer' and looks like someone takes the shot for me. Actually, Katy stand on her hind legs and manages, don't know how she does it, to snap a good one each time.

Tomorrow, I meet with the grading contractor, a second time, for him to walk me through what needs to be done and also to justify his fee. I can't wait. I'll head to Sparta in the afternoon to order the floor trusses.

Sounds like a lot of stuff but all necessary and should help us get concrete in the ground before it gets c-o-l-d!

More to come,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Goodness Gracious

One corner of our dream home
This has been the start of a very busy week. My day started at 3:30am. Couldn't sleep because my mind was contemplating the week's activities. Once I start that then I might as well give in and get up!

I hit the road about 7:30am heading for our property with a few stops along the way. My first stop was to shake the hand of Zeb, my soon to be electrician and plumber. Zeb was most helpful in working through a few 'electrical' concerns...glad I stopped. I asked him if he could recommend a heating and air guy and sure enough, not far down the road, I met Billy with Blue Ridge Air. Talk about feeling at home. He made several good suggestions and both he and Zeb will have bids for me by Wednesday...Shazaaaam!

Finally made it to our property. Nice and clear and crisp. The norm for 4200' elevation. I met with Jack, a grading contractor at 9:30. He would do a great job and will get back with me this week with the 'numbers' as they say.

My next appointment was at 11:00 with Tim the carpenter and Maurice another grading contractor. Now let me tell you about Maurice. He knows his dirt. He made some excellent suggestions that will save a good amount of money. He's also a septic system guy and will provide quotes for both this week. I really think Tim and Maurice will join the team (pending 'the numbers').

We spent the next 3 hours, Katy and I, setting stakes and running surveyor's tape where the house pad will go in preparation for Environmental Services to make a visit and sign off on our plan. That's going to happen in the next 2 weeks.

All in all, it was a great day (pending 'the numbers').

More soon,


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Office on the run

Today was a welcome relief. I moved from the in town campground to the New River State Park and that's like going from the getto to the Ritz. The move went smoothly. The only hitch is that I have to move around the campground every few days as some of the sites are reserved. It's all good even with the moving.

I'm at the highest point in the campground at 9pm trying to transmit this post so bare with me. I have a photo and will try and send it. If not tonight, because of weak signal, then soon.

The shot is of my executive office...laptop poised with printer in the background. You might have to use your imagination. It's actually a shot of the interior of the camper with office setup.

Have to go because of weak signal.

More comin g,


Saturday, August 20, 2011

New friends and mooo cows

Saturday in WJ is great. During the season they have a farmer's market downtown that's really neat. Local produce, crafts, food, etc is on display and for sale. The folks I've met have been nothing but wonderful. Everybody has a smile on their face and a nice comment. Wait a minute...wasn't there a movie called 'The Stepford Wives' way, I'm sure this is the real deal.

Bought a green pepper to have with my hummus for lunch. Darlene is so proud of me. I've lost 50# since Thursday but who cares!

I met Tom today. He owns the fireplace store and was super helpful and even has a fireplace insert that is exactly what will work for our cabin. He spent as much time as I needed and was most helpful. The slogan around here is "Buy Local" and I'm a believer already.

I got stopped in a NC Highway Patrol checkpoint for license and tags. I tried not to make eye contact and they let me pass. The pat down wasn't as bad as everybody says, I kind of enjoyed it ;^)

I did get to walk through two new cabins today. That always helps to see what others are doing and what might work for our new digs.

During Katy and my walk today we ventured by the Ashe County Cheese Factory and snapped this photo of ugly tanks turned beautiful with a creative touch.

I'm missing everybody. I go to the post office box everyday looking for a 'care package'. So far none, but I'm sure they are in route!

Still missing my sweetheart, but that will pass...JUST KIDDING!!!

More next time,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Great dog, noisy cows and bluegrass

There's nothing like a sweet old hound dog. Katy fits the bill exactly. She has been my constant companion since I arrived and hasn't complained once. She rides shotgun, sleeps a lot, opens her eyes every once in awhile, and doesn't complain. When I have to go in somewhere, I leave the truck running with a/c and lock her in. She's one 'cool' cat! dog!

We were serenaded to mooooos galore at 3am this morning. Our camper is on this side of a barbed wire pasture...the cows were on the other side. I thought cows were on the same schedule as humans...apparently NOT!!!

Today started with rain until about noon. I had several appointments and met some really nice folks. First off was a visit to the Ashe County Inspections Department to find out if our plans had any hiccups...not one, thank goodness.

Met with Environmental Services about our septic system and well. Small hiccup, might have to have the 2 acres combined. No big deal, no real loss in time.

On to the Chamber of Commerce where I joined as 'The Cabin Keeper' our private property management company. Then on the the Mountain Times to buy some ad space. Update on Katy...still sleeping!

I met with a carpenter and feel like he would be a good fit with our project. He had a lot of good questions and asked the right ones.

Around 5:30pm Katy and I headed for downtown to do our daily 2 mile walk. Much to our surprise, a blue grass band was playing at the park downtown to a good crowd. Seems to be an every Friday thang!

Lots going on tomorrow. More meetings with subs, looking at various materials, etc. I'll report as usual.

Later dudes and dudettes!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mountain Heaven

Well, the day finally arrived when I traveled to West Jefferson (WJ) to begin the process of building our dream home. Darlene started her last year of teaching this morning as I left Raleigh for the mountains at 9am and arrived about 12:30pm. The attached photo was taken on US 221 entering into WJ. It's hard to see but in the distance (under the 'N' in Next Left) you can just make out the truck and camper. I had to hop out to take the first of many photos that will document the process. I'm getting a lot of grief that I won't post as often as I should...I'll show you guys!!!

I met some very nice folks in the short time I've been here. Myron Hart at Hart's Equipment gave me a good lead for a carpenter, mason, etc. and I'll be meeting with them in the morning. I met one of the librarians who let me us a computer to access Explorer (I'm a Mac guy) so I could tweak my Google Voice number. She was very helpful and even called my number to make sure my changes took effect.

Needless to say, I've got a lot on the plate to get ready for each step of the process. I'm planning on stopping by the Ashe County Inspections Department in the morning to make sure I understand their requirements. It tends to be a little different wherever you go so it's good to start on the right foot. Fortunately, this isn't my first time at the dance.

I made a pilgrimage to WalMart to pick up a few items. Turns out my underwear escaped during our move and had to be was about time anyway!

I'm staying at Greenfield's campground in our Aliner (pop up camper). We had some rain starting at around 6:30pm until 8pm. It's quiet now. Might get a bit more tomorrow.

Talked to my sweetheart this evening and she had a good day as well. She's a blessing. I'm kind of glad she can't see the camper because it's loaded with all sorts of stuff. I'll get organized by the weekend and have more room to move around.

Stay tuned, keep us in your prayers!