Our cabin will have the wrap around porch covered with metal roofing while the main roof area will have asphalt shingles.
This cabin sits on a much more difficult lot to build on than our property. We'll have a garage foundation that will be approximately 10' high while the pictured cabin has a 20-25' high foundation.
We'll be incorporating poplar siding in several areas. Poplar siding is stripped poplar bark, flattened and cut into manageable pieces ready for installation. Poplar siding will last and last. It holds up well to the weather and insect attack.
I've got another busy week ahead. I'm going to visit several lumber mills and logging companies to find posts and large beams for the build. I'll be getting with one of our window suppliers to discuss quality, wind effect, etc. I'll report back, as this is the third suplier I've gotten quotes from. Windows are an expensive part of the cabin and we want to make sure we get the biggest bang for our buck.
I'll take lots of photos at the lumber mills and post again soon.
Will your siding be from Heritage Craftsmen in Spruce Pine? I had two Duke students intern there, and they also donated some siding for App State's entry into the 2011 Solar Decathlon sponsored by the Department of Energy. I toured the factory this summer, met the owners, and also got a tour of the Solar Home in Boone (right on 421 as you head into Boone -- in an old car dealership on the left). It is a great material!
ReplyDeleteP.S. The owners gave me a book about poplar siding that is very nicely done. You're welcome to borrow it if you'd like.