Things have slowed, on purpose, while I gather my workshop from around town and deliver the goods to the new workshop on Maple Tree. Can't really finish the interior of the cabin without the proper tools.

I say, "from around town" because we have two storage locations rented to hold all of our 'stuff'. We're renting a 1000 sf building that holds most of our 'life'. You know, furniture, dishes, doilies (they are named after an early 18th century dry goods dealer on London’s Strand), junk, lots of the boy's stuff, etc., etc.
What we couldn't fit into the first building ended up in a 10' x 15' storage unit nearby the first place. I'm doing my best to close out this storage space and just have one place so as to save a few bucks a month.
Tim will be back tomorrow to help with the deck struts. The struts are required by code to prevent the deck and porch from swaying in the wind and falling down. I wish agencies would STOP trying to protect me. Maybe I like swaying decks!
I snuck home (Raleigh) this past weekend to surprise Darlene AND check to see that no one has taken my place ;^). Boy were they surprised, I mean, she was surprised. It was so good to spend a few days with my main squeeze. Might do it more often...
More coming,